04 June 2010


Do you ever have those days where your brain is completely overwhelmed with 'stuff'?

 {Image from Fanpop}

I do.  Today is that day.  Actually, it's been like that all week.  It invades my head at work, distracting me from the important tasks at hand.  It crawls into my mind subconciously while I am sleeping...forcing me awake.  It points and pulls me in every different direction and I can accomplish nothing!  And it's mostly good things, so I'm riding this rollercoaster of exciting ups and downs and highs and lows.

What is doing this to me you ask?

I will try to explain.  But this is a brain dump, so bear with me.

1 - The time of year...As spring rolls the corner and summer gets closer than i appears, I find myself in typical 'trying to get everything done mode'. This includes scheduling required summer activities like weddings, family weekends, trips up North, etc.  I tackle more DIY projects than I can finish and I dream big about things I'll probably never do, like gardening and taking a class.

2. The blog...I'm several months into this blog and I'm loving every minute of it.  Plus I am super close to unveiling the new blog design, which has been consuming me for a while.  Because I'm such a newbie and I want to learn so much, I think about it ALL THE TIME.  Crazy I know.  It's just a blog.   But I'm at the most creative I've ever felt in my life and juices are flowing and ideas are rolling..

3.  Love...Reality is setting in that J and I are in it for the long haul.  We're coming up on 2 years and I can fully admit equally that 1 - he's the love of my life and 2 - this is the hardest thing I've ever done.  Being single for my twenties in no way prepared me for the realities of co-habitation and the blending of two lives.  We're two very different people with very strong personalities.  But we're exactly the same where it counts - 120% effort each and every single day to make it work.  Go love!

4.  The Gimli condo...As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm dipping my toes into renting out the Gimli condo as a vacation property.  With that has come a HUGE learning curve on advertising, taxes, insurance, responding to inquiries, being patient with the tire-kickers, cleaning and sorting, making schedules...and so on.  Like anything with a huge reward, it comes with huge amounts of work!

Do you believe we create our own opportunities? 

In the midst of all the condo stuff, I found a teeny little ad posting for a 'young, professional woman looking for a place to rent in Gimli from September to June'.  So, so perfect!!  I don't use Gimli during that time, I could use the money and I could keep it fully furnished.  I don't want to jinx it...but Emily is the new Gimli art teacher at the high school on a one-year contract and she's coming out from Ottawa this weekend to check the place out.  Kismet!  Wish me luck!

So forgive me if I seem scattered, because that's the only way to describe it!

But it's Friday, I'm happy, I'm grateful and I'm lucky to have readers like you.

What's your state of mind on this lovely Friday?

Written with love,


  1. I agree, june is a crazy busy time of month. I have year end stuff, report cards, planning for next year...and this year is not over yet. The weather has not helped. This is my state of mind...but I rushed home...took some pics for my blog and am exicted to work on it and have a nice relaxing evening.

  2. I read this as I daydreamed while stuck on the Deerfoot. I thought about wanting to demo my massive ugly shed and plant a veg garden. To do this I need to re-do part of my fence. I thought about wanting to put my baseboards on in the bathroom. To do this I want to re-do the floor in the bathroom (small space so not much $$) but I should really get the same flooring done in the kitchen (biger space so more $$). I thought about wanting to move my deep freeze into the basement laundry room. To do this I need to make more space so I need a stackable washer and dryer. Then I though about hating the Deerfoot and moving to a city without one so why bother with all the above?? Now I'm thinking this wine is fine (HobNob Pinot Noir - Cheapo from France). Argh!



Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore