14 June 2010

Artful Rain

What happens when art meets environmentalism?

This cool idea comes from Illinois.  I ran across it at one of my fave blogs Orange Sugar Home.  The LeGrange Business Association started a summer program where businesses can sponsor a rain barrel, which is then decorated by an artist or group.  The barrels are on display during the summer to bring awareness to the issue of water conservation, then auctioned off for charity in the fall.

How cool is that?  You could even design and decorate your own rain barrel to add a touch of whimsy or colour to your own yard...Here are some of their 'green' pieces of art.

{Images via Orange Sugar Home}

Written with love,


  1. very cool idea- remindes me of the moose thing we had going on- Was that started in Canada? I remember seeing them in Toronto but also in Chicago- anyway very cool.

  2. Oooh I love the one with the cardinal and the blossoms.

  3. love it!! thanks! good night to you!

  4. Wow, these are great! I've been wanting to get a rain barrel but just can't stomach the plain brown/orange/blue ones. These give me some inspiration... not that I'm very artistic.


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore