15 June 2010

A list of things that give me comfort

J has been sick and I've had a bit of the blahs lately.  So I'm turning to the very best in pick-me-ups.  Whether it's a case of the blues, a windy cold day or the desire to cocoon...here are the things that give me great comfort.

1.  Hot tea - My mom is the tea lady, she consumes 2-3 pots a day (all by her wee self!) and she always served us tea as our special warm drink.  I only take a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar with milk now, but tea with Grandma C meant 'Irish tea'.  This translates to several heaping spoonfulls of sugar, lots of milk and a touch of tea.  J and I have started drinking tea in the evenings and it's become our own little ritual.
{Image from Flickr}

2. Duvets - I was about 22 when I discovered the duvet.  I was living in England at the time and a duvet was the only thing that was going to keep me warm in that deathly cold wet chill that invades your bones.  Is there anything better?

{Image from Flickr}

3.  Cuddling with Gus the dog.  He's an independant soul so he doesn't stay near me long, but just having him sleeping at the foot of the bed is enough.

4.  Pasta.  Oh....pasta!  How I love thee smothered in sauce and cheese.  Too bad you don't love my waistline.  But when you need comfort, who cares!

What are your creature comforts on a blah day?

Written with love,


  1. On a rainy cool fall day I like to crank the heat up in the house, stay in my PJ's all day and watch movies.


  2. lenore, we are the same person! seriously. it's a little frightening.


    xo Alison

  3. We're big tea drinkers here too. My hubby is a recent Scottish immigrant so tea drinking is mandatory around here. Tea drinking and cursing.

  4. I love tea and dry my own during the summer to mix my magic potions during the year. I thought it was a Canadian thing cuz American's don't generally drink it (it has been my experience). Duvets- I love- I'm Polish so it's a rite of passage to get your first big heavy one- When we first got married my husband was more of a sheet person- I have since reformed him and we use a duvet year round- real deal feather ones.

  5. A Good Blah Day: Starbucks latte + phone call to mom + get outside for some fresh air + movies.

    (If I had a little cute dog like Gus to cuddle, he would also be in the equation)

  6. Add flowers, cookies and bad reality tv and we have pretty much the same list girl!

  7. LOVE tea. And I married into a family that quite literally has Tea Time, every day at 3 pm (my husband's father is British). We don't do it as consistently at home, but I try... It's a little tradition that I absolutely love.

    On a related note, moving just a short walk from Cornelia Bean has NOT been kind to my wallet over the past couple of years :)

  8. Okay, I'm officially adding movies, lattes, reality TV, calling mom and cookies to the list!!!


  9. Oh, I love this. We all need reliable comforts for those tough days.

    I love sleeping in and/or taking a nap. Ice cream sandwiches. Dog kisses. Lounging with a good book. Wearing flannel pants all day. Delivery pizza.

  10. everyday seems so tough for a senior stude like me , and so listening to mellow musics while having a coffee makes me so energetic enough in solving day by day challenges that life may offer! gosh , cool !

    *** raine16


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore