23 August 2011

So much love...

In the months, weeks and now days leading up to my wedding, there have been many humbling moments that make me eternally grateful for the love in my life.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in your own world, your own insecurities and your own head - that you can miss out on the energy that's constantly being sent your way. For me anyway...

On Saturday I came home to his bouquet from my girlfriend Jess who lives in Saskatoon. A new mama, she won't be able to make the wedding....but wow did she knock my socks off with this simple gesture. I can't lie, there were a few tears shed.

Then I got a call from a friend here in the city, there is a new group of amazing girls I've become friends with since getting together with J. They are the wives, girlfriends and friends of his group. Shannon, Shauna, Anna and Sarah have planned a dinner for me as a little mini-bachelorette party before the wedding. I had insisted I didn't want one earlier in the summer and they thoughtfully planned this special little evening for tomorrow. Wow. These girls are keepers.

My sister and mom have gone above and beyond in planning my amazing shower, countless 'wedding craft nights' and support. She sister is seriously a bridesmaid dream - she even made her own dress!

And my awesome dad and stepmother, my in-laws to be, my girlfriends far away, my amazing co-workers and many others have shown their love and support in so many ways. I am so so blessed.

Last but not least, the ongoing support I get from J. The amount of love he has to give on a daily basis never ceases to amaze me.

Sorry to interrupt your regularly-scheduled Style Peek, but this is a love letter to the people in my life. I couldn't do any of it without you. Thank you.


  1. A simple gesture from the heart, but wish I could be there to celebrate with you.

  2. Beautifully written and what beautiful friends and family you have :) So happy for your Lenore!

  3. Aw how sweet! We all need to remember how lucky we are sometimes. I was just thinking earlier how lucky I am to have my mom and boyfriend bc they are so supportive and loving! It's easy to forget and take people for granted. The people you have around you sound absolutely lovely :)


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore