08 July 2010

Building a Biz: Harder than I thought

This is a bit of a penance blog post, to come clean about why I've been a bit of a neglectful blogger lately (at least in my mind).  The truth is that ever since I publicly announced the upstart of Lather Creations, it has been consuming me!  Plus I work full time, plus I like to sleep!

So this is a blog post about how it's been harder than I thought.  Since I'm a research gal, I've been knee-deep in business registration, taxation, target markets, shipping, naming, logos, never mind my actual pieces of furniture!  Which is the part I love most of course.  But I was getting very overwhelmed and feeling like 'what the heck did I get myself into'??  So I wrote a little businesss plan and I met with a local women's small business advisor.  And I gave myself a good talking to....and decided that I'm making it all bigger than it has to be.  I've been so worried about covering off every angle this minute.  And it's just not possible.  So I'm taking a deep breath, I've sorted out a lot of the 'biz' details and I'm going to try not to let it get the best of me.

Sadly, I'm one of those gals who puts WAY too much pressure on myself.  Which can be a bit disasterous (as poor J saw lots of teary moments this week!).  So I'm starting small.  I'm registering my business name, but I don't have to worry about provincial sales tax or GST due to my numbers.  I'm going to put a few of my pieces online through a local free classifieds and do a temperature check on buying interest.  I'm going to take a break when I need it and I'm going to work on my furniture when I'm inspired.  I'm going to keep basic books and records in case I decide to grow things in the future.  And I'm going to make it what I intended it to be - FUN!

So thanks for putting up with my less-than stellar posts lately and thanks for listening to this rant.

Are any of you entrepreneurs?  Any sage words of wisdom you'd be willing to send my way?



  1. you can do it!
    I think giving yourself less pressure AND having the time to CREATE which is what makes you FEEL GOOD is a good place for you to be focusing!

  2. Thanks Lady Ren, I sure do appreciate the encouragement!

  3. Congratulations for recognizing the reason you started doing this in the first place... because you like creating unique and beautiful pieces! It doesn't have to be about owning an award-winning business off the bat. The real award is looking at that finished piece with paint on your fingers and sweat on your brow and loving every minute it took you to complete it.
    No pressure babes... we love you for you.

  4. I think you're smart by slowing down a little - you want to make this fun and moving at a dizzy rate is bound to wear you out!

  5. GOOD FOR YOU. If it's not fun anymore, that's when you need to pause and re-examine your plan. There's really no need to do it all when you're planning to start so small. I did essentially the same thing. I still don't have my GST number (the cut-off is much higher for me because I don't need to worry about PST for writing/consulting, and I lucked out because I have a half-time contract that runs me through payroll).

    I ran into some complications with business name registration because I wanted to just use my name, and apparently it might be too common for me to use (what?!).

    I have a business plan, and a second bank account that's still just under my name, but that's about it. And you know what? That's okay. Slow and steady.

    I'm glad that you went and talked to someone. The process is overwhelming - especially for more creative people, I think. The very most important thing I did to get myself set up was finding an invoicing system I loved that was simple and super easy to use (Billings on Mac).

  6. hey - something i've never mentioned is that before i started at fusion, i contemplated starting my own business. i submitted my application to the small business course at meyers norris penny, bought a URL, was looking into financing, and all that jazz. and then...it didn't work out. (long story)
    so, i totally feel your pain, but am SO glad that you are still pursuing it. it's a huge headache sometimes, but it doesn't need to be. i was like you - i had such high expectations and put way too much pressure on myself. but lindsay's right - it has to be fun. for me, it just wasn't the right time for such a huge undertaking, but i think you'll be great at it. i love your pieces!
    so, my words of wisdom? hang in there! and be sure to frame that first sale so you can keep reminding yourself of how that felt when you want to bang your head against the wall next time :)


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore