Hello! How are you doing today? I'm pretty tired because let's just say that puppy training is not a cakewalk!! We're having some serious issues with Henry crying all night in his kennel and it's not something we experienced with Gus. Argghhh! We're trying everything so if you have any tips or tricks - do share!
So interesting story about this dress...it was my first ever purchase from UK retailer New Look. I love their clothes and was excited for this fun and casual bird dress. When it finally arrived, I opened the package and found they had sent the dress 2 sizes too big. I had a little panic attack and tried to contact them via Twitter, FB, email and any other way I could find....cue crickets noise....no response! Nada! Nothing! Nothing makes my blood boil more than bad customer service. When I didn't hear anything, I decided to try the dress on to see what I could salvage with alterations. Turns out, because of the elastic waist and blousy fit, I could get away with the bigger size (sniffles :) and I actually love the dress (and the adorable pockets!). I do a lot of online ordering so a snafu was bound to happen...but still no word from them?? What would you do? The clothes are adorable, but would you write them off in principle? I probably already know your answer...
dress from New Look
coral cardigan from Gap (shop similar)
red belt from American Eagle Outfitters
coral and gold necklace from Forever 21 (shop similar)
Do you have any online ordering horror stories? Has it kept you off the web or do you shop online anyway?