Maternity leave has been an unexpected joy. I'm a bit Type A so I worried the lack of structure might be challenging. Even though Huck wakes at a bit of an ungodly hour, I enjoy our leisurely routine of nursing, snuggling, coffee, playtime, breakfast (he's eating now - yikes!), reading stories and then nap. But as I've found my groove as a mama, I've looked for small creative projects to fill some of my extra time during naps. One such project has been printing and displaying some of the photography long stored both digitally and in boxes. (another project has been a writing gig I've recently taken on - more info to come on that soon!)
Also, I've been taking more opportunity to work with some of my favourite local photographers. When I heard that Simply Rosie was doing a photobooth at a holiday pop-up shop back in December, I jumped at the chance to capture some photo memories with Huck with her beautiful, vintage style. We took these sweet images, which arrived in adorable 4x5 cards. Super cute but not a traditional photo frame size. I hummed and hawed and finally went hunting at Target for a solution. Bingo! A clear frame was the perfect for displaying the four photos in a cool group setting. So if you're looking for a way to show off a picture in an off-frame size - check out this easy option.
Also the Spring version of the Pop Up Shop is right around the corner if you live in Winnipeg - more info here.
Have a wonderful week!

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