Pregnancy has been good but wild at's like an alien has taken over my body! I'm big, awkward, a little uncomfortable and amazed at all the changes. If anyone ever wants pregnancy straight-talk - I'm happy to chat more about it!
Even though I haven't been blogging, I've been mad Instagramming my updates (follow me here). So if you missed them, here's a peek at my belly progress (excuse all the crazy lighting and filters)....
We also have some fun news to announce...little baby boy has a name! We are so so thrilled to be welcoming little Huck Jackson McGee into our family in a few weeks. I'm a huge fan of literature and literary names so Huck was a fave for me. Plus I like that it's a little quirky but not too weird, you know? (and yes, we debated the teasing rhymes he'll get in school) Jackson is a tribute to his poppa and my hubby Jack. We've been working on the nursery and Jack made this for above the crib with leftover barn board from our feature wall...
On top of all this, we've been renovating our kitchen! Crazy? Yes. Much needed? Absolutely! We're almost there and then I'll share some before and after pics with you.
Don't worry, I've been continuing to stay up to date on all of your blogs, tweets and Instagram pics this summer and I feel like we're still in touch :) It's been a nice hot summer here in Winnipeg this year and I'm taking every chance to soak it up by swimming, long walks, visits with friends and family and TONS of pre-baby reading (many moms swear I won't even be able to get in a chapter with baby arrives...tell me it's not true?? :).
A few questions I'd love to put out there for the mamas who read this blog....would you mind sharing your opinion with me?
-Strollers. Where do I begin. Care to share your fave from experience?
-Baby sleeping in our bedroom for the first while without bed sharing...what set-up worked best for you? (bassinet by bed, away from bed, co-sleeper crib, etc.)
Thanks friends! Hope you're all having an amazing summer and I hope to be back soon with more updates and pics!