Okay, it's been waaaaaay too long! Don't you think? Boy have I missed you guys. It's been an interesting last few months and I've enjoyed my much-needed blog break. But I've been dying to get back - so much so that I'm sharing crummy Iphone photos instead of decent ones from home. Can you forgive me?
So, an update on what's been going on. In the last 3 months:
- Jack and I went on our honeymoon to the Florida Keys (a-mazing!)
- We've been completing our huge bathroom renovation (yay!)
- I quit my beloved job at Fusion Advertising to start a WHOLE new adventure...I'm now a Web & New Media Coordinator at the University of Manitoba - managing the social media community (scary but awesome!)
- Jack and I bought another rental property in Gimli and we have 1.5 months to complete a HUGE task list of reno's before our renter moves in on September 1st (yes to chasing our financial dreams!)
A few things have held me back from blogging - some good excuses and some bad:
- The mess in our house has left me with nowhere to shoot my outfit pics (decent excuse)
- I've gained a few pounds and not always feeling great about how I look (sad excuse)
- I'm spending lots more time with family and friends, enjoying summer (awesome excuse)
So when it comes to my new job - I've had some new style challenges to face! (this meant more excuses to shop but don't tell Jack ;) The dress code is business casual, no jeans except on Fridays, lots of going between hot summer outdoors on campus and cool A/C indoors, plus TONS of walking around taking pics for my new job, shooting videos, exploring campus and giving myself blisters. So comfy cute shoe shopping has been a must! Sorry for the lack of quality here but I thought I would share a taste of how I've been dressing. Since it's been +30 for close to 6 weeks straight, I'm finally able to wear something other than a cool dress or tank.
coral cardigan - Gap (old)
cream blouse - Jessica Simpson (scored at 60% off at The Bay!)
army green skinny cargo capris - Gap from E-bay
grey flats - Aldo (old)
necklace - Forever 21
These army green cargo capris are definitely fast becoming a basic - they really do act as a neutral and go with everything. I've also been wearing this necklace to death - would you believe it was only $3 at Forever 21? I highly recommend checking out their accessory section, it's huge and it's all spot on trend and super cheap!
So great chatting with you again friends! Look forward to our next visit!