
02 January 2011

Happy New Year!

{image via}

I'm blissfully enjoying my second to last day of holidays...before January madness begins. I thought things would slow down in the new year but it's looking like that will not be the case! Between Lather commissions that are rolling in, work and our big January office move, a few other projects I'll be sharing soon and wedding planning - I think's going to be a busy one. So I'm maximizing my chill time with lots of movies in bed, reading, cooking and visiting family and friends.

How is you January shaping up friends - anything that has you extra excited for 2011?


  1. have fun relaxing while it lasts! i have some major plans for's hoping they come through :)

    xo Alison

  2. It sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you, Lenore. And, an exciting one, too, with your wedding. How fun! I have only set one goal so far and that is to get my closet organized by the end of January. I think I'll set monthly goals. That way maybe I'll get them accomplished. Hope you have a great week.


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at XO Lenore