
26 January 2011

Exciting Workshop Announcement!

I've had something in the works for a while, but didn't want to reveal it until I had firm details to share. I'm going to be teaching a workshop at the local college on 'Blogging and Social Media' for uber-newbies! 

It's going to be a super fun course for beginners. Think something for your mom, aunt or grandma - someone who has a computer and has heard all the buzz, but has been too daunted to jump into social media. It's the ultimate basics course, students will learn how to make their own Facebook and Twitter profiles, plus learn about and start their own blog. It will be held Saturday mornings at Red River College on May 7th and 14th from 9am to 12noon. I've been developing my curriculum for a few months now and I'm so excited to finally see it up for registration!

I can't lie - I am a little nervous about getting in front of a group and teaching, but it's a topic I love and am passionate about and I can't wait to encourage and help others develop their passion as well.

So if you know anyone who is entirely new to Facebook, Twitter and Blogging and they live in the Winnipeg area, feel free pass on the workshop link!

ps: I have some amazing new graphics tools on my new Macbook so I'll be playing around with design, like the little graphic I made for you above! What do you think? Okay, give me a break - it's just my first one! So much to learn.....


  1. Great for you! That's awesome~ :)Alyssa

  2. you are going to be WONDERFUL!!! how fun! think of all the people you will be able to inspire in that room!

  3. That is VERY exciting! You'll be great and what a wonderful experience! :)

  4. I think that is awesome...good luck to you!

  5. That is so great Lenore! I am sure your students will love you!

  6. That is awesome!! I wish I didn't know anything so that I could attend. ;)

  7. What graphic things do you have??? I've been playing around with some too but I'd love to hear your recommendations as I'm totally getting in to it. And congrats on the class, that is awesome!

  8. I am not surprised that this opportunity has opened up for you. As far as I am concerned, this teaching assignment is a natural outcome and combination of many of your talents and skill sets. As you found the courage to venture into territory unknown which you did when you started your own web page and blog only a short time ago, here you are now, paying it forward.
    Quite a gal, you are.
    If I lived in or near the Winnipeg area, I would be signing up in a New York minute.
    With love,

  9. How exciting, Lenore! You will do so well. I am so happy to hear that you are following your dream. If I lived closer I would attned. Good for you!


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at XO Lenore