
15 September 2013

Cozy Fall Dressing (and a great score from ON)

It's no secret that for my maternity wardrobe, I've stuck primarily with non-maternity clothing. I definitely purchased some maternity skinny jeans, leggings and shorts plus a few maxi dresses I love...but I've felt most comfortable primarily in stretchy and elastic waist dresses. Plus the summer heat just meant the less restrictive clothing, the better. I did buy some maternity tanks and a few tops but to be honest, they were more fitted and that's just really not me.

So I stuck with what I knew and loved! Many of those dresses I picked up at Gap (online sizing goes up to XXL & 18/20), Old Navy, ASOS, Target or I already owned and wore often. That was my style before baby and it will probably still be my style after baby! (isn't it great when you reach that age that you finally feel comfortable in your personal style and make no apologies for staying away from trends that don't work for you?)

As fall sets in (yikes was the hardwood cold this morning!) and my due date approaches, I've started to think about post-partum dressing and warmer layers. So when I spotted this dress on sale at Old Navy...I couldn't resist!

Why is this dress pure perfection? Let's start with the's currently on sale for $25 and it's time to redeem your Old Navy Super Cash, so if you have a coupon stashed away in your wallet - you could get $10 off your $25 purchase until the 18th.

The fabric? Thick, soft, fleecy sweatshirt material...heavenly! Plus it comes in a light grey and a darker heather grey - both great neutrals to pair with a variety of other colours.

The fit? Super flattering. The drawstring waist eliminates that sweatshirt frumpiness, the curved hem is very cute and the slouchy dolman type sleeves make us all look good. Love that it comes in sizes XS to XXL. I sized up for extra slouchiness!

I'll be wearing this now (with the baby bump!) along with cute flats and layered necklaces. Soon, I'll be swapping in leggings and booties/tall boots plus a big printed scarf to stay warm(after baby!).

Have you started fall shopping yet? What are you most excited to add to your wardrobe this year?

13 September 2013

Our Maternity Photo Shoot

It's almost time for this baby to get here! I'm 36 weeks and I can't even believe I'm only 1 week away from term...the due date of October 11th is fast approaching (eeek!). We have been in overdrive the last few weeks getting our renovations done (pics to come!), getting the nursery ready (more pics to come!), celebrating my baby shower (I have the most wonderful people in my life!), working full-time AND waddling around with this giant belly. It's getting real folks....Huck's coming.

One of the things I really wanted to splurge on with this pregnancy was a photo shoot to capture this crazy/incredible/awesome/difficult time in our lives. We chose local photographer Sunny S-H for the job and boy did she deliver...I love how they turned out and I can't wait to look back on these over the years and remember this special time. Thanks so much Sunny!

Navy Maxi Dress: RP by Rachel Pally
Cobalt Flats: Browns
Necklaces: Etsy and Silver Lotus

Despite the 33+ heat that evening, Sunny was able to make everyone comfy and get that vintage-y, outdoors-y vibe I really wanted. The family photo at the end is my fave - the pups look so cute! If you're looking to capture a special family moment, be sure to give Sunny a call. She'll be shooting Huck's newborn shots and I can't wait to see him laying in little buckets and baskets :)

Have a lovely weekend friends!

03 September 2013

Two sweet years....

Two years ago yesterday, this happened....

 Thank you Jack for being the best thing that ever happened to me. You're the love of my life, my best friend, my partner-in-crime and now my co-parent to be.... As Kelly Clarkson said 'my life would suck without you'.

Here's to many, many more days of watching bad TV, figuring out what to cook for dinner, living in a constant state of renovation and teasing each other for all the little things. I wouldn't have it any other way.

26 July 2013

Catching up and a Bump Style Peek Recap of Weeks 18-29

Hi friends! Wow, I really stepped off the radar there didn't I? It has been a really nice break as I get deeper into this pregnancy...can you believe I'm 29 weeks and into the third trimester? The countdown is truly on and we are getting VERY excited to meet the little one!

Pregnancy has been good but wild at's like an alien has taken over my body! I'm big, awkward, a little uncomfortable and amazed at all the changes. If anyone ever wants pregnancy straight-talk - I'm happy to chat more about it!

Even though I haven't been blogging, I've been mad Instagramming my updates (follow me here). So if you missed them, here's a peek at my belly progress (excuse all the crazy lighting and filters)....


We also have some fun news to announce...little baby boy has a name! We are so so thrilled to be welcoming little Huck Jackson McGee into our family in a few weeks. I'm a huge fan of literature and literary names so Huck was a fave for me. Plus I like that it's a little quirky but not too weird, you know? (and yes, we debated the teasing rhymes he'll get in school) Jackson is a tribute to his poppa and my hubby Jack. We've been working on the nursery and Jack made this for above the crib with leftover barn board from our feature wall...

On top of all this, we've been renovating our kitchen! Crazy? Yes. Much needed? Absolutely! We're almost there and then I'll share some before and after pics with you.

Don't worry, I've been continuing to stay up to date on all of your blogs, tweets and Instagram pics this summer and I feel like we're still in touch :)  It's been a nice hot summer here in Winnipeg this year and I'm taking every chance to soak it up by swimming, long walks, visits with friends and family and TONS of pre-baby reading (many moms swear I won't even be able to get in a chapter with baby arrives...tell me it's not true?? :).

A few questions I'd love to put out there for the mamas who read this blog....would you mind sharing your opinion with me?

-Strollers. Where do I begin. Care to share your fave from experience?
-Baby sleeping in our bedroom for the first while without bed sharing...what set-up worked best for you? (bassinet by bed, away from bed, co-sleeper crib, etc.)

Thanks friends! Hope you're all having an amazing summer and I hope to be back soon with more updates and pics!

If you want to connect more regularly, look me up on Instagram and Twitter!

14 May 2013

Bump Style Peek: olive maxi + guitar print button-down {17 weeks}

Hello friends! How is your week going? This pregnancy is progressing at warp speed and I'm feeling pretty good (knock on wood!). Jack finished painting and prepping the nursery (a pale creamy grey green - could I be more predictable?) and built a beautiful feature wall using old salvaged barn board we picked up for a project a few years ago. I'm loving the cozy rustic vibe and now I'm working on decorating ideas to keep with that theme. We also ordered all of our Ikea kitchen cabinets and Jack has been a busy bee assembling them all with plans to swap the old for the new in the next month or two. To say our household is a bit chaotic at this point is an understatement! But it's exciting to have the looming due date as a goal point to be ready for. We also went through our pre-natal classes and they were excellent (we took them through The Nest Family Centre - I love classes and workshops and constant learning so I feel more relaxed already knowing what's ahead!

I've officially popped which means I'm looking for comfort and ease every day without sacrificing frumpiness. Jersey maxis continue to be a go-to and this button down top was an experiment from my usual cardigan. I love my cardigans but I needed a casual work alternative. I like the look but I think next time I would do a thin belt on the empire's just missing a touch of definition I think.

guitar print button-down top - Old Navy (in-store only)
olive maxi dress - Old Navy (similar here)
necklace - Forever 21 (old)
bronze flats - Coach via Winners (old)

Would you believe that next week we find out the gender? Eeeek!! I'm so nervous and excited, I'm really a planner so I want to know the gender so I can do some more prep and also call them by their name and bond pre-delivery. 

(BTW - I'm actually 18.5 weeks but my blog posts are a little behind hence the timing difference. If you follow me on Instagram, you can get more current bump style updates :)
Hope you're all having an amazing week!!

ps: Google Reader is shutting down soon, so if you'd like to continue to get Lather.Write.Repeat. updates directly in your reader - follow me on Bloglovin'!


04 May 2013

Bump Style Peek: apricot cardi + black maxi dress {16 weeks}

I think this apricot/dark peach colour may just be my fave of the season (watch for a few more items in upcoming posts!). I'm not in love with pastels overall as a spring/summer colour trend but I can get behind some bright sunshine-y shades! Last year I was really into the bright coral and I think if work within the same palette, you can mix and match without worrying about 'what goes together'. Case in point - my apricot cardigan, pinkish-coral necklace and bright coral flats. This is a good wardrobe tip as well,  if you love oranges or greens or blues...they often work well together - just give it a try!

Maxi dresses....oh how I love you. I always really liked you since I'm tall but being pregnant has me gravitating toward this easy piece on a daily basis. A soft, knit maxi dress that drapes and swirls around your body making you feel easy and bohemian, free and still covered up = awesome. Have you been feeling the maxi dresses lately? I love how mainstream they've become and how many selections there are.

black maxi dress: Loft (old)

In other news, we are nesting big time! We've cleaned out the to-be nursery room and Jack has patched and painted it. I picked out a soft grayish-white and I'm thinking grey/cream/navy/coral for the colour's going to be 'rustic' themed and gender neutral. Any other ideas?

Plus, we bought out new Ikea kitchen last night! After 3 long trips working with the online kitchen planner, we finally pulled the trigger and now have...oh about 643 perfectly flat packed boxes sitting in our spare room. Awesome and overwhelming at the same time! 

What's new in your world? Hopefully you're enjoying this gorgeous weather we're FINALLY having if you're in Winnipeg.